Frank Fock
2018-01-23 22:50:57 UTC
Dear SNM4J Users,
In the past few weeks, AGENT++ released new versions of many its major SNMP products.
The AGENT++ Tool Suite (AgenPro, MIB Designer, MIB Explorer Pro) now provides HTML5 based help and provide fixes for Mac OS X. AgenPro updates its template engine to Velocity 2.0 which provides much better template debugging support for you customised code generation templates.
SNMP4J 2.5.11 fixes several bugs in TableUtils and SNMP4J-SMI-PRO includes often requested new features like a depth-first-ordered list of all OIDs of a MIB module, for example.
AgenPro 4.2.0
* Improved: AgenPro now uses Velocity 2.0 instead of 1.7. Due to this upgrade,
$stringUtils context has been removed. Please use $agenStringUtils instead.
See upgrade instructiuons in the AgenPro help for details.
In addition, the $velocityCount loop variable must be replaced by $foreach.count.
All AgenPro templates have been updated accordingly.
* Improved: Migrated JavaHelp to HTML5 help which provides better readability and
* Improved [AGEN-62]: Allow more fine grained MOFactory usage configuration for$
scalar and columnar objects in SNMP4J-Agent templates. The new property values
"all" and "none" for factoryScalars and factoryColumn allow to completely
control factory usage.
* Added: Drag&drop MIB files on MIB tree panel to compile them into AgenPro's MIB
repository and load them. Files that do not contain newer version of MIB modules
of those already existing in the MIB repository will be ignored.
* Added [AGEN-32]: Create new trap configuration for simulation agent easily with
drag&drop from MIB tree into the Properties panel.
* Improved [AGEN-36]: Minimize ValueConstraint object creation for Textual Convention
based constraints. Constraints are now created once per TC instead for each scalar
or column instance.
* Improved [AGEN-37]: Default value for scalar OBJECT-TYPE defined enumerated values
is not set as initial (default) value.
* Fixed [AGEN-41]: Loaded MIB list is not refreshed when new MIBs have been imported
using Compile (New) MIBs.
* Fixed [AGEN-42]: List of loaded MIB modules is not refreshed regarding bold font
for MIBs-to-be-processed by code generation.
* Fixed [AGEN-47]: File names of job templates do not work on non-windows systems
without manual change.
* Fixed [AGEN-48]: file is not written every time the configuration changes.
Now config is saved to disk, when project wizard is finished and when code generation
is started.
* Fixed [AGEN-50]: Log panel does not align and extend buttons correctly horizontally.
* Fixed: Deadlock problem on MacOS X during startup of the GUI application.
* Fixed [AGEN-62]: java_code.vm generates duplicate identifiers for "Identities" if
there MIB contains several object definitions for the same OID.
* Improved: cpp_code.vm for AGENT++ 4.0 templates now better allow to comment out
augmented parent table references in user code.
MIB Designer 4.2.0
* Improved: Settings are now saved to disk when the settings dialog is closed with "Save".
* Fixed [MDS-51]: Migrated JavaHelp to JavaFX HTML5 based help system to improve readability
and responsiveness on high resolution screens.
* Fixed [MDS-52]: MIB Designer hangs on some MacOS X systems on initial start after showing
message box to select installation directory, but that file selection dialog is never shown.
* Changed: Start scripts no longer use Java Web Start by default.
* Fixed: Missing error message documentation in help for SMI syntax error 5101.
MIB Explorer Lite/Pro 4.3.1
* Fixed [MXP-75]: Application stops working after installation message box on some
Mac OS X installations (i.e. Java 8/9 High Sierra on MacBook Pro 13").
* Fixed [MXP-74]: Table view returns a "wrong order" false positive error for single
row tables with GETBULK and maxRepetitions > 1.
* Improved: Installation now check also asks to install accompanied files when directory
of previous installation is missing or no longer set in the configuration.
* Fixed [MXP-71]: Always use GETNEXT instead of GETBULK setting remains active when
multi-threaded column retrieval is activated (regression from 4.2.0).
* Added [MXP-69]: Provide option to cancel SNMP engine ID discovery in target editor.
* Added [MXP-70]: Add option in TCP and TLS transport mapping settings to control the TCP
* Added [MXP-68]: Support MIB walk (i.e. browse from selected node until endOfMibView)
in the same way as subtree "browse" today.
* Added [MXP-73]: Replace "mib" context in scripting engine with new "smi" context that
is based on SNMP4J-SMI-PRO.
* Improved: Default setting in Settings dialog is no "General".
* Improved: API documentation of the scripting engine is new available from the application.
* Improved [MXP-72]: Replace JavaHelp with a HTML5 based help system to better support
high resolution displays and to provide better layout and performance.
* Added: Ctrl-C on statistics table dialog copies the selected content to the clipboard.
* Fixed: Pro edition: Scripts tab's Save buttons where disabled although script code
has been changed.
* Improved: Packet Analyze function now also supports analysing multiple packets and once.
SNMP4J 2.5.11
* Improved [SFJ-162]: TableUtils now waits until three (3) primary lexicographic ordering errors
occurred and returns all rows until then. Rows that contain cell values based on incorrectly
order data will be returned now with status TableEvent.STATUS_WRONG_ORDER. That strate will be also
set in the finishing TableEvent then.
* Fixed [SFJ-161]: TableUtils does not check for lexicographic ordering in SNMP4J 2.5.9 which could
cause endless looping with incorrectly implemented agents. The ordering checking can be now disabled
but is enabled by default.
* Fixed [SFJ-160]: TableUtils returns a wrong order false positive error for single row tables when
using GETBULK with more than one repetition.
SNMP4J-SMI-PRO -1.9.5 (Requires SNMP4J 2.5.11 or later)
* Fixed [SFJ-163]: SmiManager.findSmiObject(String moduleName, SmiObjectFilter<S> filter)
does not use specified moduleName.
* Added: SmiManager.SmiModule.getObjectIdentifiers(OIDOrder) returns all object identifiers
of a loaded MIB module.
* Added: OIDComparator class to compare OIDs in depth-first-or breadth-first-order.
* Improved: SmiModule extends SmiObject interface.
* Added: SmiModule.getSmiModuleDefinition() returns the complete SMIv1/v2 specification
text as a string.
Best regards,
Frank Fock
In the past few weeks, AGENT++ released new versions of many its major SNMP products.
The AGENT++ Tool Suite (AgenPro, MIB Designer, MIB Explorer Pro) now provides HTML5 based help and provide fixes for Mac OS X. AgenPro updates its template engine to Velocity 2.0 which provides much better template debugging support for you customised code generation templates.
SNMP4J 2.5.11 fixes several bugs in TableUtils and SNMP4J-SMI-PRO includes often requested new features like a depth-first-ordered list of all OIDs of a MIB module, for example.
AgenPro 4.2.0
* Improved: AgenPro now uses Velocity 2.0 instead of 1.7. Due to this upgrade,
$stringUtils context has been removed. Please use $agenStringUtils instead.
See upgrade instructiuons in the AgenPro help for details.
In addition, the $velocityCount loop variable must be replaced by $foreach.count.
All AgenPro templates have been updated accordingly.
* Improved: Migrated JavaHelp to HTML5 help which provides better readability and
* Improved [AGEN-62]: Allow more fine grained MOFactory usage configuration for$
scalar and columnar objects in SNMP4J-Agent templates. The new property values
"all" and "none" for factoryScalars and factoryColumn allow to completely
control factory usage.
* Added: Drag&drop MIB files on MIB tree panel to compile them into AgenPro's MIB
repository and load them. Files that do not contain newer version of MIB modules
of those already existing in the MIB repository will be ignored.
* Added [AGEN-32]: Create new trap configuration for simulation agent easily with
drag&drop from MIB tree into the Properties panel.
* Improved [AGEN-36]: Minimize ValueConstraint object creation for Textual Convention
based constraints. Constraints are now created once per TC instead for each scalar
or column instance.
* Improved [AGEN-37]: Default value for scalar OBJECT-TYPE defined enumerated values
is not set as initial (default) value.
* Fixed [AGEN-41]: Loaded MIB list is not refreshed when new MIBs have been imported
using Compile (New) MIBs.
* Fixed [AGEN-42]: List of loaded MIB modules is not refreshed regarding bold font
for MIBs-to-be-processed by code generation.
* Fixed [AGEN-47]: File names of job templates do not work on non-windows systems
without manual change.
* Fixed [AGEN-48]: file is not written every time the configuration changes.
Now config is saved to disk, when project wizard is finished and when code generation
is started.
* Fixed [AGEN-50]: Log panel does not align and extend buttons correctly horizontally.
* Fixed: Deadlock problem on MacOS X during startup of the GUI application.
* Fixed [AGEN-62]: java_code.vm generates duplicate identifiers for "Identities" if
there MIB contains several object definitions for the same OID.
* Improved: cpp_code.vm for AGENT++ 4.0 templates now better allow to comment out
augmented parent table references in user code.
MIB Designer 4.2.0
* Improved: Settings are now saved to disk when the settings dialog is closed with "Save".
* Fixed [MDS-51]: Migrated JavaHelp to JavaFX HTML5 based help system to improve readability
and responsiveness on high resolution screens.
* Fixed [MDS-52]: MIB Designer hangs on some MacOS X systems on initial start after showing
message box to select installation directory, but that file selection dialog is never shown.
* Changed: Start scripts no longer use Java Web Start by default.
* Fixed: Missing error message documentation in help for SMI syntax error 5101.
MIB Explorer Lite/Pro 4.3.1
* Fixed [MXP-75]: Application stops working after installation message box on some
Mac OS X installations (i.e. Java 8/9 High Sierra on MacBook Pro 13").
* Fixed [MXP-74]: Table view returns a "wrong order" false positive error for single
row tables with GETBULK and maxRepetitions > 1.
* Improved: Installation now check also asks to install accompanied files when directory
of previous installation is missing or no longer set in the configuration.
* Fixed [MXP-71]: Always use GETNEXT instead of GETBULK setting remains active when
multi-threaded column retrieval is activated (regression from 4.2.0).
* Added [MXP-69]: Provide option to cancel SNMP engine ID discovery in target editor.
* Added [MXP-70]: Add option in TCP and TLS transport mapping settings to control the TCP
* Added [MXP-68]: Support MIB walk (i.e. browse from selected node until endOfMibView)
in the same way as subtree "browse" today.
* Added [MXP-73]: Replace "mib" context in scripting engine with new "smi" context that
is based on SNMP4J-SMI-PRO.
* Improved: Default setting in Settings dialog is no "General".
* Improved: API documentation of the scripting engine is new available from the application.
* Improved [MXP-72]: Replace JavaHelp with a HTML5 based help system to better support
high resolution displays and to provide better layout and performance.
* Added: Ctrl-C on statistics table dialog copies the selected content to the clipboard.
* Fixed: Pro edition: Scripts tab's Save buttons where disabled although script code
has been changed.
* Improved: Packet Analyze function now also supports analysing multiple packets and once.
SNMP4J 2.5.11
* Improved [SFJ-162]: TableUtils now waits until three (3) primary lexicographic ordering errors
occurred and returns all rows until then. Rows that contain cell values based on incorrectly
order data will be returned now with status TableEvent.STATUS_WRONG_ORDER. That strate will be also
set in the finishing TableEvent then.
* Fixed [SFJ-161]: TableUtils does not check for lexicographic ordering in SNMP4J 2.5.9 which could
cause endless looping with incorrectly implemented agents. The ordering checking can be now disabled
but is enabled by default.
* Fixed [SFJ-160]: TableUtils returns a wrong order false positive error for single row tables when
using GETBULK with more than one repetition.
SNMP4J-SMI-PRO -1.9.5 (Requires SNMP4J 2.5.11 or later)
* Fixed [SFJ-163]: SmiManager.findSmiObject(String moduleName, SmiObjectFilter<S> filter)
does not use specified moduleName.
* Added: SmiManager.SmiModule.getObjectIdentifiers(OIDOrder) returns all object identifiers
of a loaded MIB module.
* Added: OIDComparator class to compare OIDs in depth-first-or breadth-first-order.
* Improved: SmiModule extends SmiObject interface.
* Added: SmiModule.getSmiModuleDefinition() returns the complete SMIv1/v2 specification
text as a string.
Best regards,
Frank Fock